What would happen if the Earth stopped rotating?

Jaroslav Kores, Ph.D.

(Source: stock.adobe.com)

That would probably be pretty unpleasant, I’m afraid it would almost immediately end all life on the Earth.

The Earth rotates with a frequency of 1 rotation per 24 hours. By a fairly simple calculation, we can find out that at the equator, its speed is over 1,600 km/h (the closer to the poles, the slower the rotation speed).

Since the law of inertia applies always and everywhere, what would happen would be that all things at rest relative to the Earth would continue to move at 1,600 km/h in the direction of the Earth’s rotation.

So all the houses/towers/trees/rocks would be torn off the surface, water would pour out of the rivers and seas, dust would rise and people, cars or animals would fly in all of it.

To prove the effect of a speed of 1,600 km/h, we can look at the Beaufort wind scale — it ends at a hurricane, which has a speed of about 120 km/h and more.

So the strongest wind that destroys houses is 13 times weaker than what the wind speed would be if the Earth stopped rotating.

I can not fully believe that we would be able to hide somewhere — everything on the surface would be destroyed, it would probably be quite difficult to get out of the underground (I would not expect that the entrance to the bunker would remain freely accessible).

But even if we got outside, it would take many years for the dust to fall back to the ground and therefore the Sun’s rays would not reach the surface, which would cause both great cooling and the extermination of plants.

Without plants there would be no photosynthesis and without it there would be no oxygen, which is a vital element for the survival of animals.

So we would creep into an extremely cold environment in which we would not be able to breathe and would not even provide us with any food.

It would be best if we started each morning by saying that we are glad that the Earth is rotating and we hope that it will continue to do so.

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