All materials in the Free Download section can be freely used for non-commercial educational purposes. The only condition of use is a clear indication of the source of this material Credit: with hyperlink (digital and online media), or printed ”Credit:” (in case of printed or off-line media). Breaking this license agreement will be prosecuted for copyright infringement. For commercial use contact us at [email protected]

We love to work on educational projects. We can offer expertise and long-term experiences in this field for you. Don't hesitate to contact with your brief/ideas the director of Simopt Mr. Michael Sovadina [email protected] We are looking forward to creating amazing 3D models and educational projects for you.

Simopt - short reference video

All 3D models in the section Free downloads are free of charge. Just remember to keep the logo on the models. The 3D models are designed for beginners and advanced printers.

Each 3D model has pdf instructions for easy assembly (illustrated assembly guide). Download the STL files for free printing on regular 3D printers.

  • Free Downloads - license agreement
  • 3D models and educational projects development on a contract base
  • Free 3D models for printing

ITER — a major step towards thermonuclear fusion


The ITER tokamak is a joint scientific project for fusion research. Inside the giant reactor, the fusion of hydrogen should release up to 500 MW of energy. The knowledge gained will be used to build a fusion power plant.

Resolution / Duration

1,920 x 1,150 pixels / 12:41

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